Uninitiated by external impulses, assuming a state of utter joblessness in a reckless waste of time, to express my labyrinthine psyche.

Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Thursday, July 21, 2005



Saturday, July 16, 2005


Kadai paneer is the first big league dish that I have learnt. This has been my lethal weapon that I unleash. My astronomical success of this dish has helped me win accolades at all places where I have tried flaunting my culinary histrionics. Thanks to the perfect recipe from amma. Could not have been any better than that!!!!

Kadai paneer is in perfect accordance with the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang. It essentially has two components similar to the two in tiachi. The vegetables component, the strength, the support, the structure and the aggression, can be identified with yang and the gravy with yin and either cannot do independently. The preprocessing involves frying capsicum and the paneer cubes independently. The synthesis is a two step process. One addresses the preparation of the “yangish” component-the vegetables. These vegetables are like the poor gladiators, who grow to entertain in the process of which die a sad death after having been inflicted physical pain in the colosseum. Here the minced beans, delicately cut carrots and potatoes, that are boiled and salted are the gladiators. The kadai and later the platter are the arenas.

The next is the preparation of the gravy which I find has the yinnish characteristics. It is weak but a passive dominator; it gives the flavor and color and binds the two components and makes them one. It’s a vicious interplay of onions and tomatoes in an environment of burning oil, coriander seeds powder, cumins powder, garam masala and salt, garlic and ginger paste in adequate proportions. It’s interesting to see them amalgamate into one. After a point, trying to characterize each in the mixture is as hard and futile as trying to determine a woman’s orgasm.

Finally the boiled and spiced vegetables are mixed in this gravy. Here we can witness a foreplay between the yinnish and the yangish components. Perhaps every stage from the pre-copulatory stage till the final is available to witness. The perfect wetting of the yin and the movement of yang into the hollow spaces of the yin is to be ensured. And finally we add the paneer and the capsicum. This supposedly enhances the flavor and gives a rich sophisticated smell.

Kadai paneer ready!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

love and hate collide, the result is always a cerebral vendetta. Ambivalence is the biggest weapon of self destruction. My claim does have scientific and biblical substantiations. Matter and anti matter, Christ and antichrist. Human mind, a tender crazy little thing does not have the capability to handle so much turbulence and conflict.

Cobain, I empathize with him. An overdose of heroin and blow with a shot gun into the mouth….peace!!!!!!!! But he is a bastard for having left Courtney and Francis. But then again there are many controversies according to which she was the one who got him killed. Let me not get into that here. But yeah there is no way someone with all the conflict in mind he could have sustained any further. Something he is best at and his identity is defined by that, but then the definition of his identity is what he hates the most. He earns mental peace only by disowning his identity, which implies ceasing to be the person he is. Hence proved or did I only crap.. HOLY SHIT!!!

whatever.... Ambivalence………. man!!!!! It will kill you.

I am so happy today, I have found my friends... they are in my head.-Kurt Cobain 1967-1994

Friday, July 08, 2005

When nature seems surreal

I stood a moment, puzzled, scratching my chin to clear my mind and figure out why the artificial decorative plants that we see in a store, were put in a glass house in a botanical garden. I refused to accept the fact that these were indeed real.

I always thought these plants where a figment of human creativity. I held a high opinion of those designers for giving their piece of creation a touch of reality that gives us a feel of nature. However, only today did I realize in a small nook in the botanical garden, Ooty, that these plants are indeed real. These manikins like plants grow in nature like the other crotons. This small room that I visited was located in the left corner of the gardens and was replete with the natural versions of those decorative artificial plants.

It was rather sad, that this fit of surprise was undermining my appreciation for nature, which has reduced to meager amounts owing to I don’t know what.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Ronaldo- the Cyclone & Pissuri-the Mr. Madras.

Ronaldo and I share one thing in common.

His hot blond girlfriend who he was dating during the world cup is not the woman he married. His wife is another blond who has the distinction of bouncing the ball in air without it touching the ground for some 55000 times for a time period of about 9 hours. This footballing phenomenon, with his unequalled skills, deadening pace and his ruthless finish is the contemporary of jogo bonito!!!(beautiful game in brazilian). He is known for partying and dancing in night clubs even on the eve of big games.

My visit to the dentist yesterday ends the similarity that he and I shared. Ronaldo and I have a big gap between the two incisors in the upper jaw. It has been filled with a composite filling of a white mixture containing silicon dioxide.

Man!!!!!! Silicon is a “oru level” material.