Uninitiated by external impulses, assuming a state of utter joblessness in a reckless waste of time, to express my labyrinthine psyche.

Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Monday, July 04, 2005

Ronaldo- the Cyclone & Pissuri-the Mr. Madras.

Ronaldo and I share one thing in common.

His hot blond girlfriend who he was dating during the world cup is not the woman he married. His wife is another blond who has the distinction of bouncing the ball in air without it touching the ground for some 55000 times for a time period of about 9 hours. This footballing phenomenon, with his unequalled skills, deadening pace and his ruthless finish is the contemporary of jogo bonito!!!(beautiful game in brazilian). He is known for partying and dancing in night clubs even on the eve of big games.

My visit to the dentist yesterday ends the similarity that he and I shared. Ronaldo and I have a big gap between the two incisors in the upper jaw. It has been filled with a composite filling of a white mixture containing silicon dioxide.

Man!!!!!! Silicon is a “oru level” material.


Blogger magicfarawaytree said...

silicon dioxide..sand.
so the dentist put sand in your mouth!

9:32 PM  

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