Uninitiated by external impulses, assuming a state of utter joblessness in a reckless waste of time, to express my labyrinthine psyche.

Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Time is a bitch

“Learning from ones mistakes”. The significance of this is strained. Learn from mistakes- Yes everyone does. But then it is a tiny proportion of us who move on to apply the lessons learnt. Essentially in “almost all” cases (being cautious in considering my domain) you only become a seasoned campaigner to do it again. Dejavu….
If one makes amends; corrects his mistakes, he will do so, irrespective and uninitiated by external impulses. The reason for a change is incomprehensible. It can only come from within.
Sometimes I feel how futile it is for people to make statements and generalizations and profess prophecies on life and philosophy, for one reason that the domain considered is the most inhomogeneous and random system, both at an individual level and at group level.
Only time can determine. Its only time that knows what is in store. Sometimes a lot of it has to spent to get clarity in thoughts. Time is a bitch. I fail to understand why people want to go back in time to become younger or ahead of time to see the future. The parody is - In either case you grow older when you go back in time or when you go ahead of time. When you go ahead of time you are living in your future. I was amused, when I learnt that something as plain as the grandfathers paradox(if you go back in time and kill your biological granddad, you would not exist now) can be used as an argument against time travel!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

reminds me of two is something called a time turner that is introduced in one of the harry potter stories...lets u go back in time basically...its used by hermoine to squeeze in extra classes that clash with her schedule!defy not something u wud do with something like dat!!:)
another is a movie named time machine ...saw it long back....basically this guy is trying to fight the fact dat his wife is dead n goes into the past trying to save her...he loses her ...and i guess in the future he finds her but in another form or something like dat.....quite bizzare....
yeah btw "the gift of gab" translates into words pretty well.....not very easy i mus admit!:)

1:00 PM  
Blogger P said...

"gift of gab translates into words pretty well" bloody funny!

1:46 PM  

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