Uninitiated by external impulses, assuming a state of utter joblessness in a reckless waste of time, to express my labyrinthine psyche.

Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Monday, September 12, 2005

The "A" Mountain.

The A is very misleading. It is a misnomer. I initially thought it was some porn thing. Little did i know of its significance. According to information from relaible sources, when the college was remaned to Arizona State Teachers College, the letter "A" was installed on the butte. Apparently there was a bomb blast in 1925, when the “A” was destroyed. Then again in 1955, they built this "A" using reinforced steel and concrete. Hiking up the A Mountain to paint the “A” white is an annual tradition. Each year, during the week before the ASU vs. U of A football game, the ASU students guard this "A" from the UofAites from painting it in a different colour.

630pm is the apt time to get to the top of the mountain. It is an awesome experience to watch the sunset from an altitude of 500 feet(not very sure of the height). The globe of fire, after its daily stint, is laid to rest, behind the chain of mountains. The size of the sphere gradually decreases as it goes behind these mountains. It seems as thought the sun is swallowed by the mountains like how a deer is slowly eaten by a python as it goes into the snakes mouth. Set in this background, is a series of runways, where planes land and take off at a frequency of 30 s-1. The planes heading towards the runway fly at a 50 feet over you. You tell urself- a jump little higher, must be able to cling on to the plane.

Another remarkable sight is the stream of lights, the silver/whitish one, from the vehicle head light, and the alternating green and red light, from the traffic signals. The roads here form a parallel array and so do these lights. This line of lights looks like a sandwitch with tomato layers(red lights) and lettuce layers(green lights) between the breads(white lights). Here, you learn physics. The red light is seen brighter than the green. This phenomenon is a result of a combination of refraction and scattering. The colour of light is dependant on its wavelength with red light having a longer wavelength than the green. The scattering is inversely proportional to fourth power of the wavelength. And hence the occurrence. From that height the sky seems so much closer. It takes some experience to differentiate between stars and planes flying at a very high altitude. I always get confused. It is funny how you stare at the infinite stars for infinite time and each time the thought process running in you mind is discrete. Adjoining the mountain is the Sundevils stadium. Comfortably perched in a wedge of rocks, is like a balcony seat for a grisly game of football, where most savage combative instincts are aroused and also the sensual dance of cheerleaders during the breaks.

To top it all is a peachy company.

All the while, the blissfulness of this entrancing experience is exceeded only by the fear of the rattle snake that abound in this area.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm i see a different nymphetamine

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The scattering is inversely proportional to fourth power of the wavelength- i dont think these are exactly ur original words:) You are supposed to quote such stuff and use appropriate citations...dont forget tht!!!plagiarism is a serious offence here:)

4:23 PM  

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