Uninitiated by external impulses, assuming a state of utter joblessness in a reckless waste of time, to express my labyrinthine psyche.

Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Mr. Madras....

Name : Madras Prakash Prashanth

Fathers name : Mornapalli Subramaniam Prakash

Grandfathers name: Penukonda Venkata Subra Mani Iyer.

My granddad, his son and I, three of us have different surnames. We proudly declare ourselves Gults.

The first significant rendezvous with the M in my initial happened while my passport application form was being filled. A brilliant exhibit of sheer smartness from the agent which was conceded by my dad convinced him that “Mornapalli” which was plagued by controversies regarding the spelling and its actual existence must be replaced by Madras. And I was the victim of this confusion. I don’t have a choice either, but to take the name that has been endowed to me. Little did I realize then, the significance of my name. This appellation marks a precedence for the gulty surnames.

Gulties, men and women all over the world, beyond the mountains, beyond the oceans, beyond India, and all the corners of the world where thou have infiltrated. The first day of July, in the blasphemous portals of the US Embassy, I will hopefully join this deed that we have taken upon ourselves to percolate to all lands. Let you, who has the understanding, reckon the name of the beast. My name has bred a new string of gulties. This feat of mine is, no short of wondrous. My name on the passports marks the liberation of all us Gulties. We no more belong to the villages. We rule the metropolis. Break the hobbles and cogitate devoid of puerile illusions, thou shall envisage that day when gults have surnames Chicago, Vegas and so on..

Mr. Madras, that is me…… I can only laugh it off.


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