Uninitiated by external impulses, assuming a state of utter joblessness in a reckless waste of time, to express my labyrinthine psyche.

Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Saturday, May 13, 2006

long time no see

The Gods are like PhD advisors. Their groups are eternally replete with projects and funding. And how I wish he was a Leninist for he would have ensured an equal distribution of funds. They are not socialists, which is they are naughty capitalists. Projects and fundings are assigned on parameters which “elders” speculate are a result of past deeds. And the result is the spectrum of mankind - some rich and some poor; some good others bad; some happy others abysmally sad; some work, others fuck and a sizeable good number get fucked. Or if I could say, he forces us to dance to his tunes, by defining our freewill and making us live our lives and play our roles. When one project is finished, a new one is assigned. But he, I think is not a lot smarter mother fucker than man and will obviously run out of ideas and plots. And this when happens, he schemes the same old plot but with different characters. “Dejavu” happens, though not as frequent as shit happens, but often times of the same magnitude. It’s indeed a new scene, a new free will, and an apparent new you, but you will always achieve the same level of fuckedness like old times.