Uninitiated by external impulses, assuming a state of utter joblessness in a reckless waste of time, to express my labyrinthine psyche.

Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Thursday, August 18, 2005

no enthu for heading

One of the weirdest connotations of excitement is what I would associate with my experience on the sight of the professors and other people, whom I have only seen on the internet while in India. They have been like fairies and now they have assumed a corporeal form and their humanly existence entranced me to a state of stupefaction.

Back home, it was a daily routine to darshan the departments and the professors webpage for news and other stuff. Such big impressions it had made, that now I can relate only to the picture on the net and cannot to the human I see. The photo is more authentic to me than the human that I can see.

But then it is also interesting to note how your perception of a person changes. When I look at the picture of him on the net, I define and associate characteristics based on the face that I see. Next the base of this impression takes a detour towards the information that I gather from people who have interacted with him earlier. Now what I know of him is a linear combination of the bits of information that I gather from people. But then, it is only later I make a perception of him, which is my own from his dressing; gait; speech; his gesticulations.
He now is an all new person.