Uninitiated by external impulses, assuming a state of utter joblessness in a reckless waste of time, to express my labyrinthine psyche.

Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Friday, June 10, 2005


Tetrahydrocannabinol- a polymer with 3 methyl groups, 2 hydrogens on either side of the plane, a benzene ring and a tetrahydrofuran and a phenyl group. Complicated or so it seems. THC works in a nefarious fashion to realize its potency. Its association with the brain is contingent on the presence of cannabinoid receptors, which is present only at specific locations. And once this ligandic association is established, THC gains its authority on the functioning of those brain locations and triggers an array of biochemical reactions which coerces the brain locations’ respective influences.

To translate this phenomenon to one which is corporeal- It sublimates to a state of existence, marked by perception of the fourth dimension- time and cognizance of the next six dimensions; teleports to a different time frame where the time perception can be modulated; amplifies senses and expedites emotions; love and beauty become quantifiable; juxtaposes oblivion and omniscience and gives an overlapping experience of the both; gives an unparalleled sense of well-being; enhances intra-personal communication, catapulting introspection to a level, which is otherwise unrealizable. The most significant of all-its entheogenic effects which endues a hallucinatory experience; gives a video-graphic memory of events and people. When everything around seems lost, with nothing fulfilled, you can say- screw the world and smoke the weed!!!

But all said and done, is this a mere visceral feeling, consequence of a chimera forged from plausible experiences? Will someone actually experience without he being told before?

Well..whatever it is, so be it. It’s a scourge which make you unfit for family, love life and society. You can ruin yourself, but you are responsible to the ones you are associated with.


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